Monday, January 14, 2013

"Until Tuesday: A Wounded Warrior and the Golden Retriever Who Saved Him" by Luis Carlos Montalvan

Synopsis: Luis Montalvan, a highly decorated captain in the U.S. army, returns home from two tours of duty in Iraq a broken man.  To cope with his chronically-painful physical injuries, which have left him with a limp, and his debilitating post-traumatic stress disorder, Montalvan drinks heavily and cuts himself off from his family and friends.  In his darkest days as he considers succumbing to his pain he meets Tuesday, a beautiful service dog trained to aid the disabled.  Despite Tuesday's loving spirit, he too has been hurt and finds it difficult to trust.  Montalvan and Tuesday, both burdened with invisible wounds, become a support for one another as they each begin to heal.
Review:  There is much about this book to like.  It is interesting to read about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from someone who suffers from this debilitating condition.  It was heart wrenching to learn that Montalvan, like many PTDS sufferers, is unable to disconnect himself from the mentality of war and that his mind is constantly in "fight or flight" mode, whether he's at the grocery story, dinner out, or at home.  The author paints a clear and very honest (and often unflattering) picture of what his life is like post-Iraq.  Luckily, it all changes when he is paired up with Tuesday.  Montalvan brings Tuesday to life on the page, describing his quirks and unique personality with anecdotes, and it's easy to fathom the author's deep love and devotion for this fun-loving and compassionate dog.  Readers will be incited to read that Tuesday and Montalvan were sometimes discriminated against and asked to leave restaurants or shops, but in the end the book is touching and heart-warming (it has its hilarious moments too; be sure to find the section on Tuesday and his distrust of cats), especially for dog lovers. Ultimately, I liked the book, but its narrative wandered in too many different directions (from Iraq, to the tale of dog training, and back, etc.) to receive four stars.

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